If the above criteria are met, then management
can work you overtime on your own assignment, for up to 10 hours.
Before management can work you off your own
assignment, they must work Casuals and PTF's to 11 and a half hours
and the 10 and 12 hrs. OTDL carriers to 12 hours (these times do
not include lunch.
If you are not on any OTDL, management should
not be scheduling you or mandating you to work on your non-scheduled
day unless all available Casuals and PTF's are scheduled to work up
to 11 and one half hrs. and 10 and 12 hrs. OTDL carriers are scheduled
to work up to 12 hours. Any
deviations from this, sign up to see your shop steward or call the
branch office. |
You are entitled,
for the most part, to work all the overtime on your assignment,
on your regularly scheduled day. However, management can provide
you assistance if your are going into penalty. Those able to assist
you are:
- Anyone on under time
- PTF's, Casuals, on overtime.
- 10 and 12 hrs. carriers on overtime only
of you will go into penalty OT. Management should not provide
you assistance, if people not on the OTDL are being forced to
work overtime. You should work your own overtime and the others
should be helping non ODL's. In addition, you cannot work off
your assignment on your regularly scheduled days unless all Casuals
and PTF's are worked 11 and one half hours. and the 10 and 12
hrs. OTDL are worked 12 hrs.
If you are on the Work assignment list,
management cannot schedule you or mandate you to work on your non-scheduled
day unless all available Casuals and PTF's are scheduled to work
up to 11 and one half hours. and 10 and 12 hrs. OTDL carriers are
scheduled to work up to 12 hrs. You are only available to work overtime
on your own assignment on your regularly scheduled day.
Note: If management violates the above rules
and instructs or gives you a direct order to work overtime on a
regularly scheduled day or non scheduled day( whichever is applicable),
do not refuse to obey that order. Follow the order, and file a grievance.
Also note, that you are not entitled to volunteer to work your day
off unless all the above criteria are met, and other contractual
guidelines are followed. |